BCS is the short form of Bangladesh Civil Service Cadre. It is a cherished dream for every graduate to be a BCS cadre. It is the most respectable in our country. But the job recruitment process so much time consuming. Besides these, this process is more lengthy for 38th BCS examinee. And finally that awaiting day come. 38th BCS result has been published today. It has almost 2 years since this result publish today. So many candidates are excited for this result. 38 BCS viva result 2020. BPSC 38 BCS Final Result publish today.
You can download BCS books in PDF form: BCS Books Corner
38 BCS VIVA Result 2020
BCS exam has 3 steps mainly. I mean you have to give 3 types exam to be a BCS cadre. These are BCS preliminary exam, BCS written exam and BCS viva exam. The last step is BCS viva exam. And finally this viva exam has been publish today. This result changes alomost 2 thousands students fate in a seconds. They are chosen by Bangladesh govt. as the next dedicated and talent candidates to lead the country. There are almost 4 lakhs examinees attended in this exam on 29th December, 2017. They are waiting almost 2 years for this result. 38 bcs final result publish in 2020.
You can see : 41st BCS Circular 2019
There are almost 3 lakhs students appeared in this BCS preliminary exam. But only 16000 candidates were selected for written exam. That written exam has been conducted on 13th August, 2018. After that they had to appeared in the final step of BCS exam, That is BCS viva exam. Which candidates were passed in this written exam, were selected for the viva exam. In this viva exam they are asked various types of questions. The examiner observed those candidates by this oral test. From these huge number candidates, only couple of hundreds candidates are selected as BCS cadre in different positions.
38 BCS Final Result 2020 PDF
38th BCS final result is very delayed result. Almost 2 years and 6 months taken to complete this process. You will also get the update of 38 BCS final result with the 38 BCS viva result. There are various ways to know this result. There are almost 9 thousands viva candidates were waiting for 2 years and 6 months for this result. Today is very excellent for those candidates. Total vacant position of BCS is 2260 in this years. Besides this, few hundreds candidates will be chosen for BCS non cadre position.
How to Check 38 BCS Viva Result 2020
To get BCS viva result you have to follow some rules. If you want to see you result in website you just download the PDF file from our website. You can go to there offical website http://bpsc.gov.bd/ . But there official site is down in maximum time. So we are giving you the PDF file of BCS viva result here. You just download it from totalinfobd’s personal server. You have to click on bellow download button. Then you will be redirect of our google drive download page. Then just download the PDF file.
By clicking above PDF download button you will be redirected to our google drive download page. Then you have to download the PDF file of 38 bcs viva result.
How to get BCS viva result by SMS
If you want to check your 38 BCS viva result in your mobile sms option you have to follow some rules. You have to send sms. I am going to tell you the process:
- First you have to go the message option of your mobile.
- Then type “PSC <space> 38 <space> Registration NO” and send it to 16222 no.
At the very finishing part of this post We wish congratulations to all that candidates who are selected in this VIVA exam. It is a game changing result for those people. Besides this I will tell those candidates who will not be selected in this process, Don’t be sad. You God is with you. You will be success in another way. May Allah bless you all. If you have any query, just knock us in our facebook page. We are giving you service 24 hours.