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41st BCS Circular 2019

41st BCS (Bangladesh Civil Service) circular has been published. This circular has been published in their website or . We are going to discuss on 41st BCS circular and you can download pdf version of this circular from our website. Many people think that 41st BCS will be spacial. But all should know that 41st BCS will be REGULAR bcs. For online application and know about the payment method you have to go to the last part of this post. We give details about online payment method and apply procedure there.

41st BCS Circular 2019

Important Dates of this circular:

Application Start 05th December, 2019
Last date of online apply 04th January, 2019
Total seat vacant 2166
BCS Type Regular


Vacancies of 41st BCS

2166 persons can join in 41st BCS. There are 2166 vacant in this session. 

Post Seat
BCS (General Education): Lecturer 892
BCS (Technical Education): Lecturer 13
BCS (Administration): Assistant Secretary/Assistant Commissioner & Executive Magistrate 323
BCS (Police): Assistant Superintendent of Police 100
BCS (Health): Assistant Surgeon / Medical Officer 110
BCS Assistant Dental Surgeon 30
BCS (Foreign Affairs): Assistant Secretary (Former Section Officer) 25
BCS (Ansar): Assistant District Commandant / Equivalent Posts 23
BCS (Audit & Accounts): Assistant Accountant General 25
BCS (Customs & Excise): Assistant Commissioner of customs 23
BCS (Taxation): Assistant Commissioner of Taxes 60
BCS (Cooperatives): Assistant Registrar 08
BCS (Statistics): Statistical Officer 12
BCS (Railway Transportation & Commercial): Assistant Traffic Superintendent 04
BCS (Railway Transportation & Commercial): Assistant Traffic Superintendent 01
BCS (Railway Engineering): Assistant Engineer 28
BCS (Information), Technical: Assistant Radio Engineer 09
BCS (Postal): Assistant Post Master General / Equivalent Posts 02
BCS (Fisheries): Upazila Fisheries Officer 15
BCS (Livestock): Veterinary Surgeon / Upazila Livestock Officer 76
BCS (Agriculture): Agricultural Extension Officer 183
BCS(Engineer):Assistant Maintenance Engineer/Equivalent 6
BCS (Trade): Assistant Controller of Import & Export / Equivalent Posts 4
BCS (Family Planning): Family Planning Officer 4
BCS (Food): Assistant Maintenance Engineer/Equivalent Posts 6
BCS (Public Works): Assistant Engineer 51


Number Distribution for Preliminary Examination  

Name of the subject Number
Bangla Language & Literature  35
English Language & Literature 35
Bangladesh Matters 35
International Affairs  20
Geography (Bangladesh & World), Environment, Disaster Management  10
General Science   15
Computer & Information Technology  15
Mathematical Logic 15
Mental Abolity 15
Morals, Values & good governance  10
Total 200


41st BCS Circular PDF Download

How To Apply 

  • Firstly you have click here APPLY NOW
  • Here you can see three option : 1) General Cadre application form. 2) Technical cadre/Professional Cadre application form. 3)Application form for both (General & Technical) cadre.
  •  By clicking on these option you can see your expected forms. You have to fill up this form very much carefully by following given instructions.

Online Payment Method:

For online payment you have to follow 2 steps. There are :

Step 1: BCS < Space > User ID

Send it to 16222

For Example: BCS JHGFDSS

After sending this message you will get a reply like this:

Reply: Applicants Name (Your name), Taka- 700 (100 taka for ethnic minority group, physically handicapped and Third gender candidates) will be charged as application fee. Your Pin is (XXXXXXXX) 8 Digit Number. To pay fee, Type BCS < Space > Yes <Space> PIN and send to 1622.

Step2: BCS < Space > Yes < Space >  Your PIN

Send it to 16222

For Example: BCS YES 12345678

You must read the whole circular given above to know everything details. For any query you can contact with us via email : or Facebook Official Page: Total Info BD