NTRCA stands for Non-Government Teachers Registration and Certification Authority. It is one of the biggest job exams in the hob sector of Bangladesh. There are many graduates who attend this exam. So it is very much competitive exam for the job seeking people. NTRCA Question Bank. If you want to pass this exam, you have…
Saptahik Chakrir Khobor Potrika. This is one of the best job newspapers in Bangladesh. We are ralking about Chakrir Dak newpaper. This newpaper is published in weekly. In every Friday, chakrir Dak newpaper has been published in our website. It is very popular newspaper in the Bangladesh. There are many unemployed people in Bangladesh. They…
Department of fisheries is one of the biggest government wings of the Bangladesh Government. This Department of Fisheries has been announced a job circular recently. Department of Fisheries DOF job circular. This circular will be a blessing for the job-seeking people of Bangladesh. A new job circular of the Department of Fisheries has been published…
JAAGO foundation is one of the leading Non Govt. Organizations in Bangladesh. It aims to eliminate literacy and poverty from Bangladesh. It was started with one man’s dream of doing something for the ordinary people. The founder of JAAGO foundation is Korvi Rakshand. JAAGO foundation is the output of his dream. He wan only 21…
Bangladesh Army has been announced recent job circular 2020. Join Bangladesh Army. Bangladesh Army is very leading force in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh there are 3 military forces. These are: Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy & Bangladesh Air force. From these 3 forces, Bangladesh Army is the biggest forces in Bangladesh. They are in the leading position….
Bangladesh Navy has been published recent job circular today. We all know about Bangladesh Navy. It is one of the best military force of Bangladesh. There are 3 types of forces in Bangladesh Military. These are: Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy & Bangladesh Air Force. Bangladesh Army is working in the land. Bangladesh Navy is working…
Office of the District Commissioner has been published recent job circular today. DC office Job Circular. District commissioner office offers new job circular today. This is really a good news for every job seeking people in Bangladesh. There are many jobless people in Bangladesh. They are looking for a job now. In this pandemic situation…
We will talk about new job vacancies of Prime Minister Office. You know ! It is really a luck thing to do work in the prime minister’s office. Prime Minister Office Job Circular. PMO is the short form of Prime Minister Office. PMO job Circular 2020. Prime Minister Office has been announced new job circular…
We all know about Bangladesh Navy(BN). BN is the short form of Bangladesh Navy. There are 3 military forces in Bangladesh. These are: Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy and Bangladesh Air froce. Bangladesh Navy is working in the naval part of Bangladesh. This is very attractive force in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Navy Job Circular. But you all…
Bangladesh Government wing, Department of Social Services (সমাজ সেবা অধিদপ্তর) has been announced job circular. Department of Social Services DSS Job Circular 2020. This is very attractive job for the Bangladeshi people. In the pandemic situation many people are jobless. So they are now looking for jobs. So I am giving you the best jobs…
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