Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) is another big education program of Bangladesh. After passing SSC, a student can join college for this HSC program. HSC Subjects list of Bangladesh for All Groups. But HSC subject list and SSC subject list is not same. So, firstly you have to read all the subjects of HSC very carefully. Then you can take decision of subject choosing. Before taking admission you must check the subject list of HSC. We are going to write all the subjects in a list of Science, Commerce and Arts. HSC subjects list 2023.
HSC Subjects List With Subject Code
I hope you all know about the subject code. Subject code is very much important for a student. In the OMR page you have to fill up the exact code of that particular subject. HSC subjects list 2023. There is two types of subjects in every groups. One type is compulsory which is mandatory for every students. Another type is optional, that means those optional subject is depends on students’ choice. We are going to write the list elaborately. So, you can understand the whole matter very clearly. If you want to know about hsc college admission you can click HSC Admission 2023 | | College admission circular form 2023
There are 3 groups in Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC):
- Science
- Business Studies or Commerce
- Humanities or Arts.
HSC Compulsory subjects for all groups
First we are going to write the compulsory subjects list. Because these subjects are mandatory for all the groups of science, commerce and arts. These subjects are:
Subject Name | Subject Code |
Bangla 1st Paper |
101 |
Bangla 2nd Paper | 102 |
English 1st Paper | 107 |
English 2nd Paper | 108 |
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) | 275 |
HSC Subjects List for Science Bangladesh
You already know the compulsory subjects which are mandatory for all groups. Now I am going to write this list of science groups. There are 4 subjects which are dedicated for science only. Only Science group students can study these subjects.
Subject Name | Subject Code |
Physics 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 174 |
Physics 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 175 |
Chemistry 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 176 |
Chemistry 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 177 |
Biology 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 178 |
Biology 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 179 |
Higher Mathematics 1st Paper | 265 |
Higher Mathematics 2nd Paper | 266 |
HSC Optional subjects for Science groups:
From the above subjects you have to choose 3 subjects for mandatory. Then there will be 1 subject which is depending on your choice. These are:
Subject Name | Subject Code |
Biology 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 178 |
Biology 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 179 |
Higher Mathematics 1st Paper | 265 |
Higher Mathematics 2nd Paper | 266 |
Agriculture Education 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 239 |
Agriculture Education 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 240 |
Geography 1st Paper (theoretical) | 125 |
Geography 2nd Paper (theoretical) | 126 |
Psychology 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 123 |
Psychology 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 124 |
Statistics 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 129 |
Statistics 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 130 |
Engineering Drawings and Workshop Practices 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 222 |
Engineering Drawings and Workshop Practices 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 182 |
Engineering Drawings and Workshop Practices 3rd Paper (Theoretical) | 183 |
Agriculture Education 1st Paper | 239 |
Agriculture Education 2nd Paper | 240 |
Sports 1st Paper (Theoretical) (For BKSP students only) |
158 |
Sports 2nd Paper (Theoretical) (For BKSP students only) |
159 |
We highly recommend taking Higher Math and Biology as an optional Subject for science students.
HSC Subject Lists for Commerce In Bangladesh
Now we are going to give you the subject list for commerce group’s students. For your attention, business studies and commerce is the same group for commerce students. HSC subjects list 2023.
HSC Compulsory Subjects For Business Studies Group
Subject Name | Subject Code |
Accounting 1st Paper | 253 |
Accounting 2nd Paper | 254 |
Economics 1st Pape | 109 |
Economics 2nd Pape | 110 |
Business Organization and Management 1st Paper | 277 |
Business Organization and Management 2nd Paper | 278 |
Finance, Banking, and Insurance 1st Paper | 292 |
Finance, Banking, and Insurance 2nd Paper | 293 |
HSC Optional Subjects For Business Studies Group
Business Organization and Management 1st Paper | 277 |
Business Organization and Management 2nd Paper | 278 |
Finance, Banking, and Insurance 1st Paper | 292 |
Finance, Banking, and Insurance 2nd Paper | 293 |
Statistics 1st Paper (Theoretical) | 129 |
Statistics 2nd Paper (Theoretical) | 130 |
Geography 1st Paper (theoretical) | 125 |
Geography 2nd Paper (theoretical) | 126 |
Agriculture Education 1st Paper | 239 |
Agriculture Education 2nd Paper | 240 |
Home economics 1st Paper | 273 |
Home economics 2nd Paper | 274 |
HSC Subjects List Arts
Arts or Huminities are same groups. HSC subjects list 2023. There are various types of subject in this group. But you can not study all of these subjects. You have to select maximum 4 subjects (1st & 2nd paper) for your HSC.
Subject Name | Subject Code |
Economics 1st Pape | 109 |
Economics 2nd Pape | 110 |
History 1st Paper | 304 |
History 2nd Paper | 305 |
Islamic History and Culture 1st Paper (Humanities) | 267 |
Islamic History and Culture 2nd Paper (Humanities) | 268 |
Geography 1st Paper (theoretical) | 125 |
Geography 2nd Paper (theoretical) | 126 |
Sociology 1st Paper | 117 |
Sociology 2nd Paper | 118 |
Social Work 1st Paper | 271 |
Social Work 2nd Paper | 272 |
Logic 1st Paper | 121 |
Logic 2nd Paper | 122 |
HSC Pass marks distribution 2023
After choosing your subject list you have to know the marks distribution. We all know that total marks is 100 for each subject. HSC marks distribution is as like as SSC. Marks has been distributed into 3 parts. These are:
- Creative Question (সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন)
- Multiple Choice Question MCQ (অবজেক্টিভ প্রশ্ন)
- Practical (ব্যাবহারিক অংশ)
You have to get 33% marks in each part to pass that subject. Maximum subjects carry 70 marks in Creative questions part and 30 marks in MCQ part. But in which subjects have practical part carry 25 marks. For that subjects creative questions part carry 50 marks and MCQ part carry 25 marks. We have attached a photo which will give you clear idea about marks distributions of HSC subjects.
HSC Book List with Writer Name
Now we are going to write the book list of HSC. In SSC you just follow the board book for your study. But In HSC there are variuos types of books which are approved by the board. So you have to select the best one for your study. Now I am going to tell you about the compulsory books for HSC.
Subject Name | Book list with Writer name |
Bangla 1st Paper |
১) উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক বাংলা সংকলন: জাতীয় শিক্ষাক্রম ও পাঠ্যপুস্তক বোর্ড, ঢাকা। (২) সহপাঠঃ- বোর্ড ঘোষণা দিলে জানিয়ে দেয়া হবে। |
Bangla 2nd Paper |
(১) উচ্চতর স্বনির্ভর বিশুদ্ধ ভাষা শিক্ষা: ড. হায়াৎ মামুদ। (২) নাটকঃ- রক্তাক্ত প্রান্তর, লেখকঃ মুনীর চৌধুরী (কলেজ সংস্করণ)। |
English 1st Paper |
1. English For Today (by NCTB) 2. Advanced learner’s communicative English (Paper-I), Writer: Chowdhury & Hossain 3. Nabadut HSC English With Model Question (Paper-I) |
English 2nd Paper |
1. Grammar & Composition (by NCTB) 2. Advanced learner’s communicative English (Paper-II), Writer: Chowdhury & Hossain 3. Nabadut HSC English Grammar & Composition with Model Questions (Paper-II) |
Informarion and Communication System (ICT) |
(১) তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি – গোবিন্দ চন্দ্র রায় |
For others subjects NCTV will update their book list for this year. When education board announce the book list for this year we will published that list in this website instantly. If you want to ask any query you can give message in our Total Info BD Facebook Fan Page