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41th BCS Syllabus PDF 2020 । Preliminary and Written

All information of BCS will be given here. Are you looking for BCS syllabus for preliminary and written exam? Then this article is for you. We are going to give you all information in one place of BCS. 41th BCS Syllabus PDF 2020 । Preliminary and Written. Bangladesh Public Service Commission takes this BCS preliminary and written exam. We are give you the information of BCS preli exam and syllabus. As well as we will write about BCS written exam and syllabus. BCS exam syllabus is very much important to know for every applicants. The last stage of BCS examination is Viva exam. We will try to give you the information of BCS viva system and Syllabus. 41th BCS Syllabus PDF. If you want to know the 41st BCS circular you can visit here 41st BCS Circular


BCS exam procedure step by step

BCS exam is one of the most competitive exams in Bangladesh. There are huge number of candidates are giving this exam. Bangladesh Public Service Commission BPSC conduct this exam. They are taking this exam in 3 different steps according to rules-2014. You have to pass every level of exam with pass marks. Now I am going to describe these levels:

  1. BCS Preliminary Exam: There are 200 MCQ exam in the BCS preliminary test exam.
  2. BCS Written Exam: Which Candidates will pass the preliminary exam, can attend in the BCS written exam. Written exam will be in 900 marks.
  3. BCS Viva Exam: The candidates who pass the written exam will be select for viva exam. The marks of Viva exam is 200.

Preliminary BCS Exam Number Distribution

Preliminary exam is the first step of BCS exam procedure. There are huge number of Candidates give this exam. BCS preliminary exam will be held in MCQ format. That means you have to choose multiple choice question. 41th BCS Syllabus PDF. You have to give this exam on 200 marks. These mcq questions will come from 10 different subjects. Now I am going to give subject wise marks distribution of BCS preliminary exam.

Serial Number Name of Subject Number Distribution
1. Bengali Language and Literature 35
2. English Language and Literature 35
3. Bangladesh Affairs 30
4. International Affairs 20
5. Geography (Bangladesh and the World), Environment and Disaster Management 10
6. General science 15
7. Computer and Information Technology 15
8. Mathematical logic 15
9. Mental ability 15
10. Morals, values ​​and good governance 10
Total 200

41th BCS Preliminary Syllabus

Now you may have a question how to take good preparation for BCS. The answer is you have to study in a proper way. You have to follow the syllabus very carefully. So that, you can download the BCS preliminary syllabus.

——-Download BCS PRILIMINARY syllabus——-

BCS Preliminary Syllabus - Total Info BD BCS Preliminary Syllabus - Total Info BD 41 BCS Syllabus - Total Info BD BCS Preliminary Syllabus - Total Info BD Syllabus For BCS Preliminary Test Syllabus For BCS Preliminary Test Syllabus For BCS Preliminary Test Syllabus For BCS Preliminary PDF Syllabus For BCS Preliminary PDF

BCS Written Exam Number Distribution

After Passing the preliminary exam, candidates have to attend in the written exam. Only those candidates can attend in the written exam, who have passed the preliminary exam before. Without passing the preliminary exam you can not attend in written exam. The written exam will be taken into 900 marks. There are 27 cadres in BCS according to educational qualification. These 27 cadres have been divided into two categories. These categories are a. General Cadre and b. technical/professional cadre. The number distribution of these two categories are different. Now I am going to describe it.

Number Distribution of written exam for General Cadre

Compulsory issues Number distribution
Bengali 200
English 200
Bangladesh affairs 200
International affairs 100
Mathematical logic and mental ability 100
General Science and Technology 100
Total 900

Number Distribution of written exam for Technical/Professional Cadre

Compulsory issues Number distribution
Bengali 100
English 200
Bangladesh affairs 200
International affairs 100
Mathematical logic and mental ability 100
Post related subject 100
Total 900

——-Download BCS WRITTEN Syllabus PDF——-

BCS Viva Preparation

Now I am going to tell you the last step of BCS exam. This is the last step for your desirable exam. Candidates who can pass the preliminary and written both exam can attend this viva exam. If you fail in the preliminary and written exam you can not be selected for this viva exam. In this viva exam they take your oral test. There are 25 marks in this oral test. Now I am tell you the formation of BCS viva interview board.

Formation of BCS Viva Board

1 Chairman / Member of the Commission Chairman of the Board
2 Joint Secretary or higher rank officer nominated by the Government Board member
3 Subject related specialists nominated by the Commission Board member

At the end I want to tell you that you can get all kinds of information in one place of this website. If you have any query you can comment here or if you have any problem you can send message in our facebook fan page. 

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