BCS question is very important for the job-seeking people of Bangladesh. If you want to take preparation for BCS, you have read all the previous questions of BCS very carefully. So, we are going to provide you the previous year’s question bank with a solution. BCS Question. This is a very important collection of question banks for you. BCS last year question bank. We are giving you the pdf version of this BCS question bank. So, you can download it and study anytime offline. BCS previous year question bank is given here. We are giving you the last few year’s BCS exam questions.
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40th BCS Question
BCS or Bangladesh Public Service Commission has been published 40th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) preliminary examination on 25th July 2019. This 40th BCS preliminary exam held on 3rd May 2019. There are almost 20277 candidates who have been qualified in this preliminary exam out of 4,12,532 candidates. Now I am going to give you the preliminary question and answer paper in the pdf version. You can download it from here.
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39th BCS Question (Special)
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The 39th BCS exam was a special exam. This exam was held early of that year. There are almost a huge amount of candidates attended in the 39th preliminary BCS exam. But only 4,729 candidates had been selected from this preliminary exam. There are around 39954 candidates who appeared in that preliminary exam. Now I am giving you the 39th BCS preliminary exam question with a solution in PDF version.
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38th BCS Question
The 38th BCS exam was held in 2017. But the preliminary exam result of 38th BCS was published in 2018. There are around 389468 candidates who appeared in the 38th BCS exam. But only 16286 candidates are allowed for further processes. THE 39th BCS viva exam result has been published in 2020. This is the longest BCS exam process in Bangladesh. Now I am going to give you the 39th BCS question bank with a solution in PDF format.
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37th BCS Question
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THE 37th BCS exam result has been published by the Bangladesh Civil service commission. In early 2017 this exam result has been published. Some huge candidates appeared in that preliminary exam that year. Almost 13830 candidates were selected from the preliminary exam. We are going to give you the 37th BCS Question and solution here. You can download the PDF version of this question bank and read it offline.
_37th BCS question with solution PDF download_
36th BCS Question
BPSC or Bangladesh Public Service Commission announced the preliminary result of the 36th BCS preliminary exam in February 2016. Around 13830 candidates passed in the preliminary exam of the 36th BCS preliminary exam. More than one lakh candidates appeared in this 36th BCS preliminary exam. Then that selected candidates were eligible for the written exam. Now I am going to give you the 36th BCS question and solution in the PDF form. You have to download it from the below link.
_36th BCS question with solution PDF download_
35th BCS Question
Bangladesh Public Service Commission BPSC has published the 35th BCS exam result in April 2015. They selected around 20391 candidates from the preliminary exam. There are more than 100000 candidates appeared in this preliminary exam. After passing the preliminary exam they appeared in the written exam. Now we attach the 35th BCS question with solution. We upload the pdf of this question bank. So, you can easily download this question bank from here.
_35th BCS question with solution PDF download_
34th BCS Question
In July 2013, Bangladesh Public Service Commission took the 34th BCS preliminary exam. More than one lakh candidates appeared in that exam. That time BPSC selected record number candidates from the preliminary exam. The amount is almost 46250. It is still a record in the history of BCS. Almost 221575 candidates appeared in this exam. We will upload the pdf file of the 34th BCS exam question and solution.
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33rd BCS Question
BPSC published the 33rd BCS exam result in 2012. There are almost 1.93 lakhs candidates appeared in the 33rd BCS preliminary exam. BCS written exam question. 28917 candidates could qualify from the 33rd preliminary. These people appeared in the written exam after the preliminary test. Now we attach the 33rd BCS question with solution. We upload the pdf of this question bank. So, you can easily download this question bank from here.
_33rd BCS question with solution PDF download_
32nd BCS Question(Special)
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Bangladesh govt.’s wing Bangladesh Public Service Commission published the result of the 32nd BCS exam in 2011. 32nd BCS exam is a special BCS exam. So the number of selected candidates is less than the normal BCS. There are only 6884 candidates were allowed from the 32nd Preliminary exam. Now we are going to upload the pdf file of the 32nd BCS question. You will get the solution from this pdf too.
_32nd BCS question with solution PDF download_
31st BCS Question
Bangladesh Public Service Commission BPSC published the 31st BCS question in 2010. They selected around 20391 candidates from the preliminary exam. There are more than 100000 candidates appeared in this preliminary exam. After passing the preliminary exam they appeared in the written exam. Now we attach the 31st BCS question with solution. We upload the pdf of this question bank. So, you can easily download this question bank from here.
_31st BCS question with solution PDF download_
30th BCS Question
30th BCS exam held at maybe 2009. BPSC conducted this exam. There were a huge number of candidates appeared in this exam. This exam is a very competitive exam in Bangladesh. Only a few candidates can pass this exam. Now we are going to give you the question bank of the 30th BCS exam. You can access the solution of this question from the same pdf file. So just download this pdf format.
_30th BCS question with solution PDF download_
I hope you can download all these files easily. If you face any problem regarding this, you can directly contact us via Facebook. Our Facebook page is always active to respond to you. So feel free to send messages to us. We will respond within a few hours.