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National University (NU) 2nd Year Result 2020 {Session 2019}

National University (NU) 2nd Year Result 2020 {Session 2019} will be publish in June 2020. NU honours 2nd year result 2020 will publish in our site soon. You also can get this result from their official website. NU authority told that they publish the 2nd year result in April 2020 but they can not do that because of corona virus outbreak. But now they announce NU 2nd year result will publish this month. NU 2nd year result. Most probably in the last week of June, 2020. If you want to see all university admission process, you can visit here University Admission Helpline.

NU Honours 2nd Year Result 2020

We all know that National University Honours 2nd year examination has been started on 14rh November 2019. As well as it was finished on 11th January, 2020. These students are eagerly waiting for 2nd year result 2020. But it delay for this recent pandemic situation. NU authority wanted to publish NU 2nd year result within April, 2020. But they were unable to do that because of corona virus outbreak.

According to National University press release, there are around 225007 candidates has been given this exam. They are from 417 colleges. It is really a huge amount of students are waiting for NU result. You all should know that NU result will be publish in Online. So you can see your result from your house. 

   Honours 2nd Year Result Published Date

Many students are waiting for honours 2nd year result of National University. There are eagerly waiting for this this result. Many students’ common question is When will NU 2nd year result 2020 be published. They want to know the result publication date. For your kind attention we want to tell you that result announced has been delayed for Covid-19 situation. All NU offices has been shut down for this pandemic situation. But after the Eid-Ul-Fitre all offices are going to be opened now. So We hope that this result will be publish within this week.

We know that on the exam publication date, a huge amount of candidates are trying to see their result from NU website. So that, NU website can be jam for this huge traffic. For this reason, we create alternative sever for you. You can see NU 2nd year result from our website. Just give your role number and registration number here. Within a few seconds you will get your desired result.

How to get NU 2nd Year Result 2020

To get National University 2nd year result in Online you have to follow some instructions. Now I am going to tell you these instructions, so that you can get your result easily. 

  1. At first you have to click here.
  2. Then you will see a list under search option.
  3. You should click on Honours. 
  4. Then you will year list. From that list you have to click on Second Year.
  5. You will see a form. You have to fill up this form.
  6. Fill up the exam roll by giving your own exam roll.
  7. Then you should fill up the registration box.
  8. Select the exam year. For this year you have to select 2019.
  9. Then you have to fill the captcha code very carefully. You will see some letters above this box. You have to write that letters bellow box.
  10. Then you should click on the Search Result button.
  11. After few seconds you will get your desired result ! Cheers !

How to get NU Result Marksheet

Normally National University announce their result with full marksheet. If you want to see your result with full marksheet just click on the bellow photo. You will be redirect to the NU result publication site. There you have to fill up the form and hopefullly you will get your NU result with full mark sheet.

NU 2nd Year Result 2020

NU Honours 2nd Year Exam result 2020 by SMS

If you are unable to see your result from our website, you can follow another way. You can get your NU 2nd year result by SMS. If you want to do that, you have to follow some steps. I am going to tell your that steps clearly. Follow these steps, I hope you will get your NU result by sms.

  1. First go to your mobile SMS option.
  2. Then you have to write “NU <space> H2 <space> Roll/Registration Number” and send this message to 16222.
  3. Example: “NU H2 543221” send it to 16222
  4. Here H2 indicates honours 2nd year. After sending this SMS. you will get a reply SMS with your result ! Cheers!

How to Recheck NU Honours Result 2020

There are always some students who are not satisfied with their results. For that people, there is another way to recheck your result. You can recheck your NU honours result. Then You have to send sms to the authority to get your recheck result. You have to follow some steps to recheck your result. NU authority doesn’t give us that notice of Recheck NU result. When they give that notice we will publish the instructions of How to recheck NU honours result 2020. 

I hope you can see your result successfully. If you feel any problem regarding these you can contact with us by facebook. You can send message to us via facebook.

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