Bangladesh Government wing, Department of Social Services (সমাজ সেবা অধিদপ্তর) has been announced job circular. Department of Social Services DSS Job Circular 2020. This is very attractive job for the Bangladeshi people. In the pandemic situation many people are jobless. So they are now looking for jobs. So I am giving you the best jobs news ever. Department of Social Services is a part of Govt. So you all are clear that, this is a govt. job circular. Govt. Job Circular 2020. You have to know all the requirements for this job. So please read throughout this article to know the details. DSS Job Circular.
১৭৩৮ টি পদে বাংলাদেশ পাবলিক সার্ভিস কমিশনে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি দেখুনঃ BPSC Non-Cadre Job Circular 2020 । bpsc.teletalk.com.bd
DSS Job Circular 2020 – dss.teletalk.com.bd
Shomaj Sheba Odhidoptor creates a great job opportunity. All job seeking people can see this job circular. DSS is the short form of Department of Social Services. DSS Job Circular 2020 – dss.teletalk.com.bd. We are giving you all instruction and information for this job. If you are graduate pass, Diploma Pass, HSC pass, you can apply for this job. Department of Social Services have been created huge job vacancies. Read carefully all the instruction of this job circular. Then you have to apply your application to the Department of Social Services. We are giving you the apply link bellow after the circular image.
অন্যান্য চাকুরির খবর জানতে ভিজিট করুনঃ Job List
সমাজ সেবা অধিদপ্তরে নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি
Are you looking for the new jobs? Then this post is for you. If you are searching for this job, you have to read this article carefully. Download DSS Circular Image, DSS admit card download, DSS govt. jobs result from totalinfobd.com. We publish all types of Job news in here. Please visit regular in our website to get job information everyday. We give new job information everyday. So you have to stay connected with us.
এই সপ্তাহের চাকুরীর খবর পত্রিকা দেখুনঃ Saptahik Chakrir Khobor Potrika
DSS Job Summery
Company Name | Department of Social Services |
Post Name | See the circular image bellow |
Job Location | Bangladesh |
No, of Vacancies | See Circular Image |
Job Catagory | Government Job |
Gender | Both Male & Female |
Age Limitation | 18-45 years |
Educational Qualification | Graduate |
Experience | See circular image bellow |
Salary | As per government pay scale (23100 Taka) |
Other Benefits | As per government law of Bangladesh |
Publish Date | 02 July, 2020 |
Application Deadline | 22 July, 2020 |
Job Source | www.dss.gov.bd |
Application Deadline 22 July, 2020
DSS Job Circular Image PDF Download 2020
We have already give you the basic information of Department of Social Services job circular 2020. Now we are going to give you the exactly DSS job Circular Image here. So that, you will get clear and broad instruction for this job. You will get details information of this job from this circular image.
How to Apply Department of Social Services Job online
I hope you already see the job circular image above. Now I am going to elaborate this circular very easily. I am going to tell you, how to apply for DSS job online. Follow this instruction carefully:
- If you interested for this, you have to submit your CV to this email account: hrmcspb2020@gmail.com
- You have to submit this within 22 July, 2020
- Your age will be 30 years within 30 June, 2020
- If you have experience enough, they will consider your age upto 45 years.
- You have to submit the scanning file of your photo, all educational certificate, NID card, experience latter attach with you CV to this email hrmcspb2020@gmail.com
- Only preliminary selected applicants will be invited for further examination.
I try my best to give you all this information in a easy way. I hope you can understand and able to apply for this job. If you face any problem regarding this, you can contact with us via our facebook fan page. We are giving you the link bellow, so that you can easily contact with us.